A Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) Digital Signature is important for signing any documents in electronic format digitally or for transactions being executed through a web browser on the DGFT website or portal. The Exporters & Importers (EXIM) community registered with the DGFT in India mainly uses it. With the individual DGFT signature with encryption, you can prevent fraudulent practices easily.
At Credence Corporate Solutions, we are committed to deliver Individual DGFT signature with encryption with the highest standards in the industry through a fair operation. We focus on building a strong relationship with customers by providing them our services.
Businesses involved in import and export activities must have this DGFT Digital Signature Certificate. It is required for businesses involved in import and export activities, as well as for communication with DGFT websites. In simple words: if your business deals with overseas clients and deals with international money transfers, then you need the certificate. If you are an individual proprietorship, then you need to acquire an Individual only DGFT Signature certificate. The certificate is issued to an individual by a certificate authority and ensures the security of all the transactions.
Individual-Based DGFT signature for Proprietorship - For proprietorship entities, the legalization on the DGFT website would only be done if the Serial Number under the “Subject” in Digital Signature Certificate matches with the PAN (using HASH-256) on the proprietorship’s Import-Export Code (IEC) Profile.
Advantages of using DGFT Digital Certificates?
A Digital Signature Certificate is required to sign any document in electronic format digitally or transaction through a web process. It makes sure that the data is secure and cannot be viewed or changed by any unauthorized person. It also improves the response time when applying for a license from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). Digital Signature Certificates issued by a valid chartered accountant are also valid in court as per the Indian Information Technology Act 2000.
There are other benefits of using digital signature for DGFT. They are-
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